TRISLIDE is the ONLY anti-chafing, anti-friction, anti-blistering product found in a convenient environmentally friendly aerosol spray. TRISLIDE prevents chafing, blistering, irritation, and hot spots that occur when swimming, biking, and running. The liquid silicone-based spray promotes easy and quick entry/exit from race suits, wetsuits, swim speed skins, and bathing suits. Unlike other vegetable sprays that will disintegrate neoprene, TRISLIDE is completely safe to use on wetsuits and stays on even in the water.
- Anti-chafe.
- Prevents blistering.
- Combats chamois chafing.
- Eases entries into race suits, wetsuits, tech suits & ski boots.
- Removed from skin and surfaces with soap/water.
- Safe on most fabric.
- Sweatproof/waterproof.
- Eases entries into wetsuits, tech suits & ski boots.
- Easy to use, safe to share.
- Fragrance-free.